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Creative Adjustments: coping with stress and anxiety during this season.

Updated: Feb 13

Life is about relationships. Covid-19 didn’t get the memo.


Our health includes our physical, mental, spiritual, social, environmental. financial, and emotional frequencies. When one is off-kilter, we can become lopsided. Well, during this virus season, I would say we are off in all areas of the spectrum. What do you think?

Life is after all, a combination of various seasons, predictable and the unpredictable. Thus, living is a progression of needs, met and unmet. I might suggest a word that has stuck with me from an online seminar I attended yesterday. We are being called to PIVOT.

Here is a list of creative adjustments you can use to pivot from a place of tension, anxiety, and fear:

  1. Routines – This is a big one for kids and adults alike. Keep the normal things going like bedtimes, mealtimes, family times, etc. PIVOT: family times might mean adjusting to include some screen time with family and friends. I see many folks playing board games on FB and Zoom together. Have the kids call grandmothers and grandfathers to say good morning or to read a book together.

  2. Exercise – 30 minutes of physical exercise plays an important role in mood regulation. Endorphins are only one of many neurotransmitters released when you exercise. Physical activity also stimulates the release of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. YMCA and other fitness centers provide free online exercise classes through video. Turn on the old record player and dance to your favorite songs or take a brisk walk around the block.

  3. Live in the present moment – This one is a little tricky. Turn off social media or the news for the day. Meditate or do your household chores in silence. Drown out the noise for at least one hour to let go of the negative thoughts swirling around in your head.

  4. Journal – Write down your thoughts, dilemmas, and questions. Reflect on ways you have overcome a previous obstacle in your life. How might you be encouraged? How could you encourage others?

PIVOT. Roll. Rotate. Swing, swirl, and twist.

Your creative adjustments and flexibility will create the space for your continued ability to thrive. Stay safe and reach out for any needed support. If you find that none of the regular coping skills are helping you move out of a negative space, call someone. Below is a list of resources available to help.

[2] Remedy Live @ – chat with a soulmedic

Stay connected. We are better together.

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